Golden dna activation pdf writer

Dna activation may be a term youve heard if youre seeking answers to ascension. Regular practice of this cd is a miraculous tool to change unwanted information from your dna and replace it with new informationto make your life smooth and happy. Image result for chakras sephiroth pdf with images occult, human. Before choosing the golden dna activation, it is highly recommended to have the jseals and unnatural implant removal and the 12 strand dna activation. He is a international speaker, seminar leader and relationship strategist.

The 12 keepers are the 12 archangels of the great central sun and the architects of creation the name of this group was revealed to ahtayaa by means of clairaudience in 20 during your initiations these powerful, loving and compassionate beings will be with you to help guide the energies. The transformation from carbon base to crystalline body. Dark side of being a starseed, the fallen god and its influence on humanity, navigating this multidimensional reality, and how to connect to your loving soul. Here is a summary of the file size and recommend print size options.

Now it was a voyage, a single golden pathway leading to higher consciousness and to your higher purpose. The dna activation technique awakening the masters the dna activation allows us to survive the environmental poisons created by man, as well as accelerates our psychic senses. On unity consciousness, earth star union, activating your dna, awakening your body of light, being the creator of the new earth, unifying your multidimensional self, interdimensional doorways. What does golden dna activation do to make your life better. We at ascension minds call it dna awakening, and we could just as easily call it dna plug in, or replug in. From our spirit guide cezanne, a 7th dimensional wizard.

Exponential evolution dna activation and the golden. The codes of ah the responsibilities this course conveys are. They are presented as a poetic exploration into consciousness that uses the 64 codons of dna as a mystical metaphor for the holographic code underpinning all life. Who can do the golden dna activations and certified golden dna activation facilitator training. Instructions listen with headphones and eyes closed. Writing systems of the world poster linguistics polyglot language lover alphabet fonts. Gustavo castaner has been a leading authority in the field of dna activation, ascension and distant healing for over 10 years. As a species we are now evolving and are waking up dormant parts of our spiritual dna. Introduction webinar transcript an introduction to the gene keys the tools, the technique and the. From sermons and bestselling books to television talk shows, a growing number of people are conversing about spiritual dna. Most people know that dna is the blueprint of life and is located in every cell of the body. This online program is a stepbystep guide through your hologenetic profile. Golden dna activation facilitated with words and the codes of ah creat. Dna activation process i suggest you start with initially activating 12 strands of spiritual dna, then proceed in increments of 12 until you reach 72.

Mp3 audios with divine love divine love blueprint mp3. Teachings of the golden rose the path of christossophia. Golden dna activation activate the 144,000 golden strands. You activate your dna all your dna strands are now being activated you move toward love and light you move toward love you move toward light. Anyone who has already done the 5 initial sessions auric clearing, karmic session, jseal removal, and at least 2 dna activations for the activation of the 12 strand dna from dna perfection.

Testimonials 2 opening your heart in relationships part 2 of the golden path program. Completing the course, and complying to the ethics and user agreement which will allow you to become a certified golden dna 2. The coming of the golden age is prophesized in many cultures, and some important shifts are happening on earth that are leading many to believe we are at the cusp of that new era. Dna activation unleash your full genetic power evolve into your higher self april 17, 2015 by george hutton last update. The fibonacci numbers, often presented in conjunction with the golden ratio, are a popular theme in culture.

On pages 190 196 of same book you will find more in depth information. From the moment the activation is done you could notice many benefits. As you live your life, and grow, and have the experiences that you have, you may find yourself opening up to a greater awareness and. Your golden merkaba is your interdimensional light body vehicle and archive. Dna activation is a reconnection of your original blueprints for life to a higher frequency, or perhaps a fuller frequency.

The golden ray initiations are overlighted by the 12 keepers of the eye aka lords of light. Part 2 shows you how to find freedom and lasting love through your relationships, through understanding and releasing old negative. According to the the mayan calendar, 2012 marks the ending of time as we know it. The way of this natural order can be understood by applying a universal system called the golden ratio.

I have been performing dna activations for 10 years when the information was downloaded, before many heard about this technique. Third dimensional activation free 12 strand dna activation step 1. The activation and actualization of the 12 strand dna program ebook is written in the format of a facilitator and client activation manual and is divided into two sections sessions, so you will be able to do the dna activations on yourself or facilitate this process for friends and family. This is the full package to allow you to remove all energetic blockages, activate your 12 strand diamond sun dna template, and activate the 144,000 golden strands within your 12 strand diamond sun dna template. The golden ray initiations is an alchemical process that works with the golden ray of cosmic consciousness to activate your golden merkaba of light through a process of purification, initiation and actualization.

Golden dna activation activate the 144000 golden strands within your 12 strand diamond sun dna template to allow yourself to accrete liquid golden light. There are a total of 6 harmonic resonance codes for dna activation and 2 additional codes to remove unnatural implants, seals and tags. Dna activation training and healing session ascended. The fibonacci numbers are a sequence of integers, starting with 0, 1 and continuing 1, 2, 3, 5, 8. It is said that once the sushumna, the central nervous channel rises to the brain stem further into the crown above the head which causes the blooming of the thousandths petalled lotus known as enlightenment or. Spiritual activation is the discovery and development of spiritual growth, heightened awareness, enlightenment and inner peace.

This manual is destined to the dna masters activation facilitators who have been certified by. With cosmic events, articles, books, extracts from books, mandalas, activation paintings, photos. The golden frequency is a 5th dimensional christ light. The activation is a gift from the creator as an opening to your intuitive gifts. The potential encoded into our dna template is that of the 12. Part 1 highlights your four prime gifts, the cornerstones of your particular genius, representing the mythic themes and challenges of. It is commanded by the laws of the golden liquid realms. Working with light and sound in the form of mandalas of dna activations and their sound codes. When i was invited to write the foreword of this manual i experienced a moment of.

It is a catalyst to help you regain the ability to manifest by reconnecting to your ascending soul. Doorway to the new earth, second sun, greater central sun, you as the creator goddessgod you are. By detaching ones self from his or her ego, personal needs and desires, one is ready for spiritual activation. They have been mentioned in novels, films, television shows, and songs. I personally work on you for 30 minutes as a dna facilitator. Therefore, the physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual bodies continually purge and renew naturally. Like a standard crisprcas9 system, dcas9 activation systems rely on similar components such as cas9 variants for modulation or modification of genes, grnas to guide cas9 to. One of the most powerful spiritual awakening tools you can use for your dna activation process is our multidimensional music and sound. Alternatively you could keep the pdf file on your desktop for reference. Firstly we activate the youth and vitality chromosomes. The numbers have also been used in the creation of music. An introduction to your activation sequence the gene keys are neither science nor pseudoscience.

Todd medina is writer, speaker, artist, spiritual activist and blogger. Bandwidth analyzer pack bap is designed to help you better understand your network, plan for various contingencies, and track down problems when they do occur. It is created with verbal commands and with sacred geometry. If you get stuck and need help at any point in your spiritual journey, you may benefit from ascension coaching, light language energy work, or a mini activation from yvonne perry.

Following that the remaining strands of dna get activated. And this is the activation sequence, the simplest of the three but also. Visualize your dna slowly uncoiling and affecting the desired changes within your mind and body. The activation is a gift from the creator as an opening to our intuitive gifts. Do i have access to speak or contact directly the creator of the codes. Golden dna activation facilitated with words and the codes of ah create the following. As we awaken and activate the light codings we activate the strands of dna and. She is the author of walkins among us and light language emerging. It is a harmless natural biological and psychological process, generating spontaneous and subtle. Reactivate all existing dna strands, chromosomes, genes, helixes, codons, light encoded filaments. Soul alchemist level ii dna activation certification in.

The harmonic resonance codes are very powerful energy mandalas from dimension 12 and above that will serve as spiritual tools to activate dna and remove blockages that prevent dna activation. Golden dna activations activate your dna change your. The golden ray attunement the golden ray initiations. Once performed, its a permanent imprint, and the catalyst for change becomes automatic. The golden dna activation sessions are 45 minute sessions where you must lay down with your eyes closed. Testimonials 2 discovering your genius part 1 of the golden path program. Besides teaching you a leadingedge technique you can perform for your family, friends and even pets, potentiate your dna provides a wealth of tried and true supplemental tools for. An introduction to our global platform of ascension teachings cocreated by anrita melchizedek. I n this masterful exploration of sound healing by acclaimed and bestselling author sol luckman, learn how to activate your genetic potentialin a single, thirtyminute session. The key to humanitys physical, emotional, mental and spiritual evolution lies within our dna.

Use such moments to meditate and work on your inner development. The dna activation is complete approximately 9 weeks from the initial activation. Soul activations and spiritual downloads we are 1 in spirit. As i have worked with hundreds of clients from all over the world and different cultures, i am consistently upgrading and improving the process as more information is downloaded. Exponential evolution, dna activation and the golden ratio. Crispr activation crispra is one type of crispr tool that use modified versions of dcas9, a mutation of cas9 without endonuclease activity, with added transcriptional activators on dcas9 or the guide rnas grnas. In addition to each chromosomes 2 strand double helix of dna, there are an additional 10 etheric strands of dna available to each human, which have been deactivated and dormant since the beginning of recorded history.

It contains a large number of new codes to be incorporated in our dna during the. With the expansion of awareness that comes with dna activation, a person begins to tap into higher levels of consciousness. The transformation from carbon base to crystalline body part 1 july 11, 20 by steve beckow perhaps we can take a moment out to look at what our sources say about our transformation from bodies with a carbon base to those with a crystalline base. These codes are living consciousness which contain encrypted mathematical programs of light and sound that activate the human morphogenetic field and dna template for progressive expansion of consciousness, light accretion and organic healing. We are here at the cusp of the golden age, the age of nature, where natural order will return to balance the earth. Sleep disorder, insomnia, waking up in the middle of the night. The power of the kundalini fire is a powerful energetic force that can transmogrify any being who undergoes the process of awakening. They are presented as a poetic exploration into consciousness that uses the 64 codons of dna as a mystical metaphor for the holographic code underpinning all. Light bodymerkaba and dna activation the melchizedek. The dna activation is now becoming a part of the earths collective consciousness.